Lost dog reunited with owners after 'handing itself in' at police station

Feel Good Story

November 17, 2022

There's no worse fear than losing your beloved pet. But if yours has its wits about you like this border collie, you'd have nothing to worry about.

10-year-old rescue Rosie ran away from her owners after being scared by a firework on 3rd November.

While walking in their local park, owner Steve Harper had Rosie come near to him, which often happens when she's nervous, then ran away as soon as she heard a firework go off. Rosie ran through a nearby hedge - and went out of sight.

Steve said he was "really upset" as he made his way home, then received a call almost straight away saying his dog had been found.

Little did he know that Rosie had her wits about her, and had run straight to the nearby police station - situated right next to the park. Officers were able to contact her owners right away because, thankfully, Rosie has a tag on her collar.

Mrs Harper said, "I was so pleased and so happy she was safe and so proud of her that she was clever enough to find her way to the police station".

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